Christmas at Highfield 2022

Christmas at Highfield 2022

Christmas at Highfield 2022

# Christmas 2022

Christmas at Highfield 2022

We warmly invite you to join us in church as we celebrate Christmas at Highfield...

11 December 

6.30pm - Contemporary Carols

18 December 

6.30pm - Carols by Candlelight *

24 December

4pm - Crib Service

11pm - First Communion of Christmas *

25 December

10am - Christmas Day Communion Service *

* These services will also be live streamed to our YouTube channel and available to view on the online worship page of our website.

Details of all our services throughout December can be found in our services calendar.

Christmas Day Lunch

If you don't have plans or company for lunch on Christmas Day this year, we would love to invite you to our Christmas Day meal! We are looking forward to an afternoon of delicious food, wonderful community, and carols - all we need is you!

You're welcome to arrive at 12pm, lunch will start being served at 12:30pm, and we'll have an afternoon of festive fun before heading home at 3pm. 

If you would like to join us, please click here to sign up.

You might already have some rough plans for the day, but why not help out the team by coming along for an hour or so, before or after the Christmas service, to chop veg, lay tables or carve a turkey? We would love church family to come and be a friendly face on the day and share a meal with our guests.

Click here if you'd like to find out more ways you can serve and to sign up to volunteer. If you are unable to help out on the day but would still like to support, you can donate towards the cost of the food by clicking here.

Christmas Collection

ASSETS (Arabuko-Sokoke Schools and Eco-tourism Scheme) is an A Rocha project in Kenya that plants trees, supports communities and helps children obtain secondary school education.

Before ASSETS, parents would cut trees to sell for cash in order to pay school fees. ASSETS shows the community that there are better ways to benefit from the resources of the forest without destroying it. A Rocha provides seedlings to community members and plants trees in schools, hospitals and churches - as well as planting indigenous trees inside the forest, especially in places where they have been cut down.

If you would like to support this project as part of your worship there will be buckets by the door at each service as you leave or you can give online by clicking here.

New to Highfield?

If you are new to Highfield, we would love to get to know you. Please join us in church on Wednesday 18 January at 7.30pm to find out more about Highfield, who we are, what we do and how to get involved! Sign up by clicking here.

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