Letter from Mike

Letter from Mike

Letter from Mike

# Internal Updates

Letter from Mike

The advice around coronavirus (Covid-19) is moving fast. I know that many of us are feeling anxious and stressed about what's happening around us, and I wanted to let you know something of how we're planning to respond as a church.

First, we're planning to be good neighbours.

We're taking all recommended precautions to discourage and delay the transmission of the virus within our community. We're closely monitoring and implementing all official guidance from the government, the Church of England and the diocese as it is updated (now daily). As we move through the three phases in the government's plan for managing the virus - containment, delay and mitigation - we'll continue to make further changes as necessary.

You'll notice a number of changes to the way we're doing church and ministry from this coming Sunday to ensure that we're caring for one another and the physical well being of our community. For example, we've already stopped sharing the Peace physically, and from Sunday we'll no longer be laying on hands during prayer ministry, and sharing the bread only in communion. Offering plates will be located at the back of the church so that we no longer have to pass the offering bags along the rows (please remember you can also give online). We've also increased the number of cleaning sessions with our excellent contract cleaners. Sadly, guidance also means that we've had to suspend offering hospitality after services.

We'll continue to make further decisions in the light of updated guidance, particularly to safeguard the wellbeing of those most vulnerable to the virus. To make sure we're good neighbours, please observe the national guidance found here.

Second, we're planning to commend Christ in the middle of a storm.

I'm reminded that, in Mark 4: 35-41, Jesus was able to be at peace even in the midst of a threatening storm. I'm reminded that Paul was able, through his trust in Jesus, to be content whatever the circumstances according to Philippians 4: 12-13. I'm reminded that Jesus promised a peace in the midst of trouble in John 16: 33, and that Paul talked about a peace that passes understanding in Philippians 4: 7.

So, as unprecedented and scary as this time might feel now we're in the middle of it, I'm reminded that we can trust Jesus to keep us in the midst of the storm. If we can live this truth together, we've got something utterly practical and real to share with those around us, something that our friends and neighbours will need as the story unfolds.

We're aiming to continue to worship, pray and share community together throughout the coming weeks. We're planning ways to support the most vulnerable in our church and our community, seeking to ensure that even those who have to isolate themselves will feel connected to the church and supported. We're planning ways to gather prayer requests from church family and to ensure that we pray our way together through this storm. Please make sure that we have up-to-date contact details for you so that we can keep in touch with everyone during the coming weeks by clicking here for our Keeping in Touch Form.

We're aiming to collect even more food than usual for Basics Bank and to start collecting money for a Contingency Fund so that we can weather the potential challenges that this may create for us as a church. And we're planning ways to continue doing church and worshipping together even if we cannot physically gather.

So please take heart - we're building on the rock of Jesus' teaching and He reassures us that, when (not if) the storms of life come, we can and will withstand them (Matthew 7: 24-27). Please pray that we'll be able to grow as a community and grow in our faith in these challenging times. And pray that each one of us will know the peace that Jesus promised: 'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.' John 14: 27

Please pray that we can encourage one another, be good neighbours and commend Christ in the middle of a storm.

Every Blessing,


Mike Archer
Priest in Charge
Thursday 12 March 2020

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