The Omega Course

The Omega Course

The Omega Course

# Events and Courses

The Omega Course

How to handle the changes of later years with hope and dignity

For all of us life is a journey. From the womb to the tomb, we journey through life creating relationships, forging memories and amassing possessions. The Bible says:

“I will be your God throughout your lifetime-until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you” Isaiah 46:4

For each one of us to continue to have a purpose and bear fruit is really important. This course is designed to help us focus on the home straight and enable us to finish well.

Join a weekly 6-session, interactive course on zoom including:

What does it mean to grow old? How can I embrace the increasing changes in later life? What do I have to look forward to? What would I like on my tombstone? What will be my legacy?

Who is it for: “Older people”; to explore the many opportunities of our later years, but also addressing some of the more challenging realities of ageing.

When: Monday afternoons, 2-3.30pm, May 10 , 17 , 24 and June 7 , 14 , 21 

Where: On Zoom – from the comfort of your own homes! Link to be sent the week before the course commences 

Cost: Free, but donation to cover administration and Guest Manual appreciated.

Lloyds bank account: Sort code: 30-99-08; Account number: 23403660 

Cheques posted to: 59 Brookvale Road, Southampton SO17 1QS.

How to Book: or 07535 164014 giving us your name and contact information

“One of the great gifts of Christian spirituality is its encouragement to pause, take a moment for thought and to reflect deeply on what matters most. The Omega Course does just this: it creates a space for us to pause and to think about later life and the story we want to tell through our days. I commend it to you.”

Jonathan Frost, Dean of York (Formerly Bishop of Southampton)

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