Sponsor a Youth Bible

Sponsor a Youth Bible

Sponsor a Youth Bible

# Internal Updates

Sponsor a Youth Bible

Give a gift to help a brand new Christian on their journey this year! 

In our Youth Ministry over the past few months we have begun to see more young people come to faith for the first time. We believe that God has more in store for our Youth Ministry in 2020, and we love for you to partner with us!  

We would love to be able to start each new Christian on their journey by gifting them with a Bible. Just £12 (with Gift Aid) allows us to buy one Youth Bible. If you’d like to partner with us in equipping young people in their discipleship, simply click here to donate. 

We also hope to send updates to those who donate about how the project is going so that you can continue to pray for the young people that your money will impact. For more information, please speak to our Youth Pastor: Tim Taylor.

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